Hi all,

Nice to see you in my another blog post, In this post I’m going to explain the step by step guidance to install Node.js on your Cent OS based Server

Node.js is an java-script based platform/framework which is used for Java based application programmings It allows users to easily create network applications that requires back-end functionality on your JAVA based applications

Node.js is completely open source and free of cost, It has been used by lakhs of developers around the world to run their JAVA based applications/websites


Requirements :

Before starting the installation we need some below basic requirements,

  • VPS/Dedicated Server with SSH access
  • You must logon with root access
  • Putty/SSH client

IF you don’t have an root user access, then you need to communicate the root user and then you have to ask them for root access for your user

Once they granted you can execute the all mentioned commands using sudo

Also note that keep your server updated periodically which will highly secure your server from harmful attacks/infections

Always use the below command to get and download updates from the official source of Cent OS

yum update

Once you hit the above command it will automatically fetch the available updates and patches from the official source

Once the available updates download it will automatically install those updates on your server.

All set…!!! Now we can proceed on installations steps

STEP 1 : Downloading Installer File

Initially we need to Node.js installer from the official source website here,

Right click on the required Node.js platform installer file and click “Copy Link Address”

Make sure you had copied the installer link depends upon your OS version

Here we are going to download the Node.js installer using wget command

wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.30/node-v0.10.30.tar.gz

STEP 2: Extracting the installer file

Once the downloading process completed we need to extract the installer file

We can extract and move into the new directory by using the below command

tar xzvf node-v* && cd node-v*

STEP 2:Installing required repository files

To compile the codes we need to download some files/packages from Cent OS repository
yum install gcc gcc-c++

STEP 3: Compilation

Now we need to done the compilation using below command, It down’t take that much time to complete, It will completes in short time as well


STEP 4: Installing your application

Now you can install your application on your server using below command

make install

STEP 5: Verifying the installation

To check the version of the Node.js and to confirm whether you have successfully installed the node.js or not we can use the below command

node --version

If the installation was done successfully, you can see the output like as above

It’s so simple right….!!!!! Hope this article is helpful each one who are all trying to install Node.js, If you have any query in this article don’t hesitate to contact us.

You can post your valuable comments/queries in the below comment box, we will respond you as earliest with answers for your query

Also share this post in social networks which will helps your friends/colleagues who are all enjoying in new learning

Expecting your valuable support….!!!


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